Effectiveness of interactive whiteboards in the teaching-learning process: A meta-analysis of empirical studies





Interactive digital whiteboards, teaching, learning, effectiveness, metaanalysis


The meta-analysis carried out on the effectiveness of interactive digital whiteboards in the teaching-learning process reveals promising results. After analyzing a wide range of empirical studies, there is a consensus regarding the positive impact of these technological tools on improving student engagement, participation and academic performance. It should be noted that approximately 80% of the studies reviewed report a significant increase in student participation when using interactive digital whiteboards, thanks to its visually stimulating nature and its ability to encourage interaction in the classroom. In addition, about 75% of studies show notable improvements in learning outcomes, especially in areas such as math and science. It is also identified that the use of these blackboards facilitates the long-term retention of information, with about 65% of studies indicating a greater memory capacity by students. However, there are challenges related to teacher training and technical problems that may affect the effective implementation of these technologies in the classroom. Finally, this meta-analysis highlights the potential of interactive digital whiteboards as valuable tools to enrich the educational experience and improve learning outcomes, while stressing the importance of adequately addressing the challenges associated with its use.


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How to Cite

Arguello Mogrovejo, M. T., & Vásquez Guerra, M. (2023). Effectiveness of interactive whiteboards in the teaching-learning process: A meta-analysis of empirical studies. Revista Iyayku, 2(2), 4–17. https://doi.org/10.62943/rck.v2n2.2023.45


