The virtual world and education 4.0




Virtual world, education 4.0, education, virtual reality


In recent years, with the rise of technological tools, the virtual world and Education 4.0 have occupied important places as resources to carry out processes and activities in different fields, achieving relevant results for the professional development of individuals. This research tries to investigate the virtual world and Education 4.0, its definitions, characteristics and contributions that they have made to people so that they develop strategies that allow them to face social demands, in addition, to know if there are investigations that show the advances achieved with these new ways of teaching and learning. These technological resources allow students to understand and explore having direct contact with information from the web, interact and collaborate with other users. For this reason, these new scenarios facilitate the development of abilities, skills and competencies, giving students the opportunity to participate in their own learning. The virtual world and Education 4.0 offer a space for training, social life, with an environment that leads to innovation, creativity, development of interactive teaching experiences and a business vision. Therefore, it is important to make adjustments so that the curricula have the necessary changes and the implementation of these new learning models.


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How to Cite

Molina Cusme, J. J. (2024). The virtual world and education 4.0. Revista Ingenio Global, 3(1), 29–45.


