New trends in collaborative learning in B-learning




Collaborative learning, B-learning, educational trends, digital education


The current technological development has led to the appearance of mixed environments within educational processes, which are defined as a combination of face-to-face activities with virtual distance education tools, in which the best of each of these physical spaces is promoted. and virtual. This is described as B-learning, which is defined as the learning methodology that combines face-to-face teaching with non-face-to-face technology, with the aim of determining the appropriate means to respond to educational needs by implementing technological tools. Therefore, based on collaborative learning, B-learning refers to the teaching-learning process that is characterized by the efficient combination of teaching methods, learning styles and development of actions based on transparent and fluid communication, filtered by the co-participation of the actors involved in the two scenarios where this learning takes place, that is, the virtual scenario and the face-to-face or synchronous scenario. Considering the above, this bibliographical review is presented with the aim of reviewing current trends in collaborative learning supported by blended learning or B-learning, carrying out a prior analysis of the terms involved to promote understanding of the subject.


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How to Cite

Cusme Vélez, L. F. (2024). New trends in collaborative learning in B-learning. Revista Ingenio Global, 3(1), 46–62.




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