Analysis of artificial intelligences applied to image recognition for visually impaired people




Artificial intelligence, image recognition, visual impairment, accessibility, quality of life


This essay performs an analysis of how artificial intelligences applied in image recognition can improve the independence and quality of life of visually impaired people. The usefulness of current artificial visions based on artificial intelligence models that were trained using deep learning and convolutional neural networks is evaluated. Challenges faced by visually impaired people, such as difficulties in identifying objects, reading text, and navigating in unfamiliar environments, are investigated. It is determined that artificial intelligence can offer personalized and efficient solutions, although aspects such as integration with assistive devices, ethical and privacy considerations need to be addressed. The methodology used is a systematic mapping of existing literature in Google Scholar and university repositories. The results highlight the great potential of these technologies to improve accessibility, but also the need for further research and development.


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How to Cite

Vélez Espejo, A. J., & Guaña Moya, E. J. (2024). Analysis of artificial intelligences applied to image recognition for visually impaired people. Revista Ingenio Global, 3(1), 4–16.


