The role of artificial intelligence in personalizing learnin




Artificial intelligence, personalization, learning, education, inclusion


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the personalization of learning has emerged as an area of research and application with the potential to radically transform education. This integration is addressed through a qualitative methodology that focuses on a thorough and systematic review of existing literature. The overall objective of this study is to analyze the impact of AI on learning personalization and its implications for education. AI offers powerful tools to tailor teaching to the individual needs of students, thus improving overall educational experience and effectiveness. Recent studies highlight that AI in virtual higher education classrooms can facilitate continuous monitoring of student progress, allowing faster feedback and early identification of learning difficulties. It has also been observed that AI in the personalization of learning promotes the creation of more inclusive educational environments, more effectively addressing the diversity needs of students. However, this technological advance also poses ethical and privacy challenges, especially in terms of the collection and use of personal data. Ensuring adequate teacher training is crucial to effectively use AI tools in the classroom and proactively address possible algorithmic biases that could perpetuate existing inequalities. In this context, interdisciplinary collaboration between educators, technology designers and policy makers are required to ensure that the implementation of AI in customizing learning promotes equity, the inclusion and integral development of all students.


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How to Cite

Cobos Velasco, J. C. (2023). The role of artificial intelligence in personalizing learnin. Revista Ingenio Global, 2(1), 4–12.


