Impact of the integration of mobile technologies on learning: A longitudinal study in primary education




Mobile technologies, learning, primary education, impact, longitudinal study


The present longitudinal study examined the impact of the integration of mobile technologies on learning in primary education. The results revealed a significant positive effect on many aspects of the educational process. First, there was a notable increase in student motivation, with 85% reporting an improvement in their willingness to learn when using mobile applications in the classroom. This increased motivation can be attributed to the interactive and attractive nature of mobile applications, which facilitate the active participation of students in their own learning. In addition, it was found that the academic performance of students improved by an average of 15% after the implementation of mobile technologies in the classroom, suggesting that these tools can be effective in reinforcing educational concepts and promoting deeper and more meaningful learning. This improvement in performance is crucial to ensure students' educational success and prepare them for future challenges. On the other hand, a positive perception was identified by parents, with 60% reporting a favorable view on the use of mobile technologies in the education of their children. This acceptance by parents is essential to foster school-home collaboration in the educational process. Together, these findings support the relevance and effectiveness of the integration of mobile technologies in primary education, noting the importance of further researching and developing strategies to maximize their benefits and promote inclusive and equitable learning for all students.


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How to Cite

González Castro, A. V. (2022). Impact of the integration of mobile technologies on learning: A longitudinal study in primary education. Revista Ingenio Global, 1(1), 48–57.


