Optimization of sustainable construction technologies to improve construction times and costs examples of rural communities in Latin America





Sustainable construction, green technologies, cost optimization, rural communities, Latin America


This study examined the optimization of sustainable construction technologies to improve time and cost in rural communities in Latin America. A mixed methodological approach was used that combined systematic literature review, secondary data analysis and optimization modeling. The results revealed that integrating local materials, such as bamboo and compacted earth, with prefabricated systems and renewable energy technologies showed the greatest potential for reducing construction times and costs. In particular, the use of bamboo allowed a cost reduction of up to 40%, while prefabricated systems managed to reduce construction times by 50%. In addition, it was identified that the implementation of renewable energy technologies can reduce housing operating costs by up to 60% over their life cycle. The optimization model developed indicated that the comprehensive combination of these technologies could achieve cost reductions of up to 55% and time savings of up to 65%. However, significant barriers were found, such as lack of technical knowledge and resistance to change in local communities. This study concludes that the optimization of sustainable construction technologies in rural communities in Latin America has significant potential to improve efficiency in terms of time and cost, it requires a contextualized approach that takes into account the socio-cultural and economic particularities of each region.


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How to Cite

Salazar Altamirano, P. A. (2024). Optimization of sustainable construction technologies to improve construction times and costs examples of rural communities in Latin America. Revista Ingenio Global, 3(2), 119–137. https://doi.org/10.62943/rig.v3n2.2024.114


