Electrolysis as a strategy to reduce fuel and gas consumption through an alternative hydrogen system





Electrolysis, hydrogen, energy efficiency, emission reduction, sustainability


The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of water electrolysis in reducing fuel consumption and emissions of polluting gases by integrating hydrogen into internal combustion engines. A systematic literature review was used to collect and analyse previous studies on the use of electrolysis for hydrogen production, selecting scientific and technical articles from academic databases with key terms related to electrolysis, hydrogen production and energy efficiency. In addition, experimental tests were carried out on an Aveo Family 1.5 L engine, measuring fuel consumption and emissions before and after the installation of the hydrogen system. The results showed that the implementation of the electrolysis system resulted in a fuel saving of 5%, improved engine efficiency from 9.5 to 9.97 kilometers per liter, and reduced emissions of polluting gases. These findings suggest that hydrogen improves fuel efficiency and contributes to environmental sustainability. However, significant challenges in infrastructure and storage were identified for large-scale adoption of hydrogen-based technologies, highlighting the potential of hydrogen as an energy vector and its applicability to a range of sectors beyond automotive.


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How to Cite

Marcillo, F., Ramírez Ponce, J. I., & Begnini, L. (2024). Electrolysis as a strategy to reduce fuel and gas consumption through an alternative hydrogen system. Revista Ingenio Global, 3(2), 73–90. https://doi.org/10.62943/rig.v3n2.2024.109


