Nexus Research Journal 2024-05-18T00:05:36+00:00 MSc. Alejandra Espinosa [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Nexus Research Journal</strong>, bajo el sello <strong>Iyayku Innova Editores</strong>, es una Asociación Profesional, orientada a la publicación científica, arbitrada, y de Acceso Abierto, que tiene como objetivo publicar trabajos relacionados con áreas específicas como: Ciencias de la educación, Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) orientadas a la Educación, Ciencias sociales y humanidades, Ciencias Políticas, entre otras. La revista busca explorar los desafíos y las oportunidades presentes en diferentes campos del saber, fomentando la colaboración y el intercambio de ideas entre diversas disciplinas. Está dirigida a investigadores, docentes, y estudiantes relacionados con estas áreas de conocimiento.</p> <p>Desde sus inicios en el 2022, Nexus Research Journal ha seguido una periodicidad anual, y desde el 2023 semestral, con la publicación de un número cada seis meses (Número 1: Enero-Junio y Número 2: Julio-Diciembre). No obstante, a partir del año 2024, la revista adopto un formato de publicación continua, lo que significa que está abierta permanentemente a la recepción de manuscritos, y con ello publicar artículos regularmente en los meses de enero y julio.</p> <p>Cada número de la revista incluirá un mínimo de 5 artículos, garantizando así una actualización constante y una diversidad de contenidos.</p> <p align="center">Esta revista está bajo una licencia <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons de Atribución Internacional 4.0</a></p> <p align="center"><img src="" alt="Licencia de Creative Commons" /></p> The impact of multiculturalism on teaching and learning 2024-05-18T00:05:36+00:00 Patricio Corella Arroba [email protected] <p>The study of the impact of multiculturalism on teaching and learning reveals the complexity and richness of cultural diversity in education. Recent research highlights that the implementation of inclusive and culturally sensitive pedagogical practices brings significant benefits for both students and teachers. Teacher training in intercultural skills emerges as a crucial factor in promoting an inclusive and equitable educational environment, empowering educators to address the diversified needs of students and foster a sense of belonging in the classroom. In addition, the integration of technology in the educational process is shown as a powerful tool to facilitate adaptation to cultural diversity, promote the active participation of students and improve academic performance in multicultural environments. It highlights the close relationship between respect for cultural diversity and students' academic performance, underlining the importance of promoting a school environment that celebrates diversity and promotes mutual respect among students of different cultural backgrounds. Along the same lines, understanding and addressing the impact of multiculturalism on teaching and learning is critical to ensuring quality and equitable education in an increasingly diverse society. To complement this methodology, a qualitative approach will be adopted, which will allow an in-depth and contextualized analysis of the selected literature, identifying patterns, trends and meaningful relationships to better understand the impact of multiculturalism on educational dynamics.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Patricio Corella Arroba The role of education in promoting equal opportunities and social justice 2024-05-18T00:05:33+00:00 Nathaly Durand Reinaga [email protected] Yamileth Arteaga Alcívar [email protected] <p>Education plays a crucial role in promoting equal opportunities and social justice by being a transformative engine capable of reducing socio-economic disparities and creating equity for all. The study aims to explore the fundamental role of education in today’s society. Innovative pedagogical approaches and committed school leadership seek to foster participation and respect for diversity in educational settings, thus contributing to more cohesive and just societies. It is essential to integrate values of inclusion, equity and social justice in vocational training to prepare future professionals in the promotion of more egalitarian societies. In addition, equitable and fair educational assessment is crucial to addressing inequalities in academic outcomes and ensuring quality education for all. By integrating the principles of the 2030 Agenda into student training, education for sustainable development emerges as a key dimension in promoting social justice and equity. Family participation, tutorial action and mentoring are key to ensuring inclusive and equitable educational environments through collaboration between school, families and the community. As a result, education plays a key role in building more just and democratic societies, promoting equal opportunities and social justice through innovative and diversity-committed approaches.</p> 2024-05-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nathaly Durand Reinaga y Yamileth Arteaga Alcívar